I decided to try again

I decided to try again

Hello everyone, I decided to give it another try. I really believe in this website, and I enjoy researching and posting. A very nice friend and Colleague, Becca volunteered her time to update the look a little bit and make it a bit more accessible/easier to find on the internet so hopefully I will have a bit more traffic. Please, if you feel inclined, share the site with anyone who might be interested. That is the way to spread the word these days.

I have myself adopted a lot of the suggestions I posted on here (not all, but a lot). No one can, or has to do everything. The most difficult thing to experience as well as to overcome is to feel hopeless by it all. Making small changes in your daily activities can be very empowering and motivating to do more.

So invite you to browse a bit what has been posted here, about purchasing certain products, reusing many of the “waste” we produce every day, or change a habit or two for the better.

I am always open for suggestions and love a good conversation.

I also add a new article, a fine example on how everything we need is really already there, if we only look and preserve. I have pulled out many little maples and oak tree saplings in the past and always feel uncomfortable doing so, there is so much potential in such a little sapling.

I will try to post about twice a month.

Thank you for taking the time to read and share the website. Anything I can do, we can do better 🙂


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