
I decided to try again

I decided to try again

Hello everyone, I decided to give it another try. I really believe in this website, and I enjoy researching and posting. A very nice friend and Colleague, Becca volunteered her time to update the look a little bit and make it a bit more accessible/easier to find on the internet so hopefully I will have a bit more traffic. Please, if you feel inclined, share the site with anyone who might be interested. That is the way to spread the…

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“I changed my mind” Rose DeWitt- Bukater

“I changed my mind” Rose DeWitt- Bukater

A while ago I stated I was not going to give up my website, but I have changed my mind. I do not feel that my website, as much as I like it is making a meaningful difference. So I have decided to stop posting on it (but not giving up on the name yet) I bought the book that I mentioned in my last post and I intend to use it and do what I can in my little…

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How have you been?

How have you been?

How are you? How have you been? I have not been too active on my site, I felt it was not really useful. I have taken on myself a good share of the suggestions I posted over the last 2 years (not all, some I tried and did not like) but overall the response to the site was enthusiastic but still very minimal. But I don’t want to give up. The latest report of the UN about the state of…

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creative with straws

creative with straws

I continue to be amazed with the ideas people come up with to reuse and epicycle “waste” that we have been throwing away for so long and has polluted our beautiful planet. Today I came across this one. How many turtles can we save from having to suffer a straw in their nose pulled out? (I decided to not post the video of the turtle with the straw on his/her nose because it is very hard to watch and I…

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