Why am I doing this anyway?
I am not Royalty, but I do have the internet………
My name is Miriam van Emde Boas. I was born and raised in Amsterdam, the Netherlands but have lived in the United States since 1991, and raised my family here. I am a physical therapist by profession. I have many interests and passions as well like reading, dancing, movies, crafts, music, traveling, spending time with my friends, just to name a few.
For a very long time, since childhood really, I have been deeply moved by Nature. As a child, I could spend HOURS (still can) looking for tiny little shells in little ponds that appeared during low tide at the sea. I made little bouquets of 3-4 different grass stalks at my aunts’ yard when I was 13 and reveled at their beauty. I pressed flowers in a little flower press that I still have. And I always said that if I ever had a platform (If I was like “royalty” or otherwise “famous” ) I would use it to help the environment.
With time, unfortunately our environment got more and more compromised. and we are now at (or maybe we are really passed) a tipping point of survival. This is a statement so big that it is actually too hard for most (including myself) to comprehend.
This does not mean however that there is nothing we can do about it. There are in fact LOTS of things I (we) can do on an individual basis. I have also noticed that there are MANY people that have started organizations that help us make better choices. I have started to make many small changes in my choices. encouraged by these initiatives.
But…. Anything I can do we can do better. Therefore, I have decided to create my own platform with information/resources about these initiatives. I hope this way that I can reach a few people, and that we will be stronger in numbers and effect.
So, this website shares information that can help us make better choices Once you feel it in your bones that everything you do does have an impact, it becomes more and more easy, even to make some sacrifices. I have divided the information in different categories. I will add links and information whenever I see something worthwhile. Suggestions are welcome. The more we know the better.
I do not know if it is too late for our mother earth, and yes sometimes I really am afraid it is. but if fear or indifference takes over and we do nothing, and we find out later that we still could have…… That would really be a terrible mistake.
Disclaimer: I am not perfect; I do not know everything, and I do not do everything right. My intention is to centralize information so it is more readily available, and my hope is that people will make changes and together we can make a meaningful impact.