


    This website has grown out of an increasing desire to help curb our climate and environmental crisis. I believe that one person can make a difference and that there is power in numbers. My intention is to gather information and recourses to make it easier for more people to make environmentally sound choices. There is…

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  • Why am I doing this anyway?

    I am not Royalty, but I do have the internet………   My name is Miriam van Emde Boas. I was born and raised in Amsterdam, the Netherlands but have lived in the United States since 1991, and raised my family here. I am a physical therapist by profession. I have many interests and passions as…

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  • Getting Back Into The Groove

    Happy New Year to all. I have taken a little break over the Holidays but intend to be back in the new year and I already have lots of ideas. I am being swept back and forth between hope and despair regarding our Mother Earth (she is really our mother as in that she provides…

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  • I decided to try again

    Hello everyone, I decided to give it another try. I really believe in this website, and I enjoy researching and posting. A very nice friend and Colleague, Becca volunteered her time to update the look a little bit and make it a bit more accessible/easier to find on the internet so hopefully I will have…

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