


I just want to hold on to the glorious colors of fall, but maybe part, or the essence of the the beauty is that is does not stay forever…… There are countless crafts one can do with these leaves. This is one I recently encountered, and I think it fits well in the spirit of this website

I’ll bee back.

I’ll bee back.

it has been a while since I have posted. The world situation has proven to be a bit of a distraction, work has become a bit more busy and I also had another interesting temporary gig that needed attention. But I have not forgotten my website and my interest in providing people with information and resources to make better choices for the environment. I heard on the news that there was an article in the NYT where the scientist said:…

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“Nobody but nobody can make it out there alone”

“Nobody but nobody can make it out there alone”

said the incomparable Maya Angelou. and, the same thing, from a different angle, “Anything I can do we can do better” is the name of this website I think one of the hardest things with this whole climate situation is that we feel so alone, and that just by ourselves there is not much we can do. As I said before I have started a course at the U of M about action one can take on a personal, communal…

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“Drip Drip Drip…… OCEAN”

“Drip Drip Drip…… OCEAN”

This is a quote given to me by a friend from one of her friends….. this lady tried to express how small acts can make a difference. I am exited to share that I started a free course given by the university of Michigan about how you can make a difference on a personal, community and national/political level with regards to the environment. It is not so much discussing climate science, but more behavior science, different models of how to…

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perfection is sooo overrated…..

perfection is sooo overrated…..