words of hope, signs of change
https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/15/world/jane-goodall-interview-on-climate-change-trump-and-her-legacy/index.html https://www.recyclingtoday.com/article/trader-joes-plastic-bags-reduction-recycling/
News and information
https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/15/world/jane-goodall-interview-on-climate-change-trump-and-her-legacy/index.html https://www.recyclingtoday.com/article/trader-joes-plastic-bags-reduction-recycling/
there are interesting projects and kickstarters abound. Maybe there is one you would like to support.
I have made several changes already. These kind of companies are popping up like wild mushrooms (in the old days that is, before pollution) and are making the change or choice easier then ever. https://www.publicgoods.com/pages/about-us oh and one more thing, I tried to make shampoo out of castor oil and avocado pit and so far no great success, I looked like I had very oily hair ( which I did) that I had not washed for months (which I had)…
I was inspired to look this up today when I put anti freeze in my car……. Next time I will do better.
a few ecofriendly apps that “just” showed up on my phone….. OffCents ( offset your Co2, earn rewards). Ecosia Plant trees with your searches: Yes this sounded too good to be true so I checked it out on line and it appeared to be legit: they are a search engine that uses 80% of their profits to support organizations that plant trees. I downloaded it. It uses a feedback system to show how many trees are planted and how many…
https://www.wfla.com/news/international/missing-butterfly-activist-found-dead-in-mexico/ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-activist-idUSKBN1ZW01F
Here is some information about the new Green Deal, an ambitions plan to tackle climate change and it’s whole tangled existence with other issues around the world. Disclaimer: I am not telling anyone to endorse this plan, or not. This website is about resources so we are better informed. I thought the New Grean Deal is an important part of the conversation. What do you think? https://www.gp.org/green_new_deal
There is soo much room for this, in lawns, along roads, in between roads, parks….. Sometimes the answers are sooo simple!!! Jane Goodall is often quoted saying there is still a window of time to safe the environment. Look at this video to see what happens when one part of the ecosystem is repaired……. We truly are all part of a bigger, wholesome beauty, our destiny intricately and undeniably intertwined
Here are some great initiatives that could have a major positive impact