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Category: Knowledge Empowers

News and information



activism or slacktivism? (yes that is a real word) I have signed countless petitions. and I recogonize myself in many of the things they explain in this article. Do petitions save the world’s problems? no, but they are an important first step. This is one article I found on line about the effectiveness of petitions. I think, again that there is power in numbers, that we are in a wave of increasing awareness and more and more people feel the…

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Do you know there is an entire mall in Sweden that sells secondhand merchandise?

Do you know there is an entire mall in Sweden that sells secondhand merchandise?

Buying second hand is an excellent way to reduce reuse and recycle. Someones trash is someone else’s treasure. Last year I discovered Market Place on FB and I have made some fabulous purchases and upgraded my home with great joy and not too much money. I took extra pleasure in knowing that I did not buy new items. Social Media also has made it easier then ever to sell and find second hand items. Photo: DirkvdM via Wikimedia Commons.This…

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There is an APP for that

There is an APP for that

I am just finding out 🙂 a few ecofriendly apps that “just” showed up on my phone….. OffCents ( offset your Co2, earn rewards). Ecosia Plant trees with your searches: Yes this sounded too good to be true so I checked it out on line and it appeared to be legit: they are a search engine that uses 80% of their profits to support organizations that plant trees. I downloaded it. It uses a feedback system to show how many…

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There are so many other choices out there these days to replace plastic

There are so many other choices out there these days to replace plastic

These changes are really not hard to make. Over the last months I have gotten reusable bags for fruit and veggies in the supermarket, bee wax wraps to cover bowls and the likes ( instead of plastic or aluminum foil)  toothbrushes made from bamboo, gone back to old fashion soaps instead of liquid body wash in bottles and started to use shampoo and conditioner bars instead of bottles as well. Not everything I tried worked: the first toothpaste tablets I used…

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Oh, oh oh, the many things we can do

Oh, oh oh, the many things we can do

There are countless well known organizations that one can support financially to help save our environment. In fact the choices quickly get overwhelming but no one has to, or can do this on their own! It comes back again to the notion that one person can make a difference and that there is power in numbers: anything I can do we can do better 🙂 “Nobody but nobody can make it out there alone” Maya Angelou The following organizations do…

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