A bit of a summary
I thought it would be good to start the new year with a bit of a summary of some of the resources that have been mentioned so far.
If you are looking for plastic alternatives go to https://anythingicandowecandobetter.com/there-are-so-many-other-choices-out-there-these-days-to-replace-plastic/
If you are looking for a way to plant trees while googling on your computer go to https://anythingicandowecandobetter.com/trees-trees-everywhere/
if you are looking for ways to reduce/reuse./recycle or upcycle go to https://anythingicandowecandobetter.com/reduce-reuse-recycle/
If you are interested in any creative way to reuse materials, go to Pinterest, but don’t blame me if you suddenly find your self 5 hours later still on the web…..
If you are looking for APPS that can help you be more environmentally conscious go to https://anythingicandowecandobetter.com/there-is-an-app-for-that/
If you would like to try to go plastic free go to: https://myplasticfreelife.com
If you would like to try to make some of your own cleaning products go to https://anythingicandowecandobetter.com/professor-snape-has-nothing-on-us/
If you have any good information for this website, if you know a solution for plastic garbage bags or the way medications are packed in individual plastic pockets with silver folie cover, let me know 🙂