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Category: Solutions

As I promised,

As I promised,

I am going to repeat a few things from now on, we all have SO MUCH on our mind right now but I do not want this site to disappear because of that. I would like to share some of the changes I have made. I just bought some toothpaste tablets, and shampoo bars. I also started to use laundry sheets in stead of liquid detergent. My tooth brushes are bamboo (and my dentist’ report card is very good). I…

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I just signed up for this

I just signed up for this

I have actually mentioned this resource before. They would have been the key note speakers at the Natural product convention in LA in the beginning of March we were slated to go to, and we decided literally 15 minutes before we would leave for the airport to cancel our trip……. only to find out that the next day the entire convention with 10.000 + vendors was cancelled. And that was the beginning of the pandemic era for us. Because most…

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Everyone who knows me ……

Everyone who knows me ……

knows how much I love my Cappuccino! But did you know that after you are done with your Cup of Joe, there is so much more you can do?

Don’t throw it away:-)

Don’t throw it away:-)

I never felt good about throwing egg shells away, it always felt there were other options. Other then the cute candle or garden I thought this was a great option, it appeared in my mailbox yesterday. ( I bought a book about edible plants in the yard and beyond, very interesting, not sure how brave I am but that just shows how much of a city girl I really am. These mails are from the author) and then I thought:…

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rain rain go away….. or not..

rain rain go away….. or not..

with all this rain and in our case snow! i thought it would be fun to post something about collecting rain water for gardening . Luckily I stumbled apon some posts that in some states it is illegal to so so because of some first come first go law from centuries ago which states that the water initially “belonged to someone else”…. So before you decide to do anything, make sure you are allowed ( in MI we are)…

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