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Category: Solutions

“For your retirement I got you some chicks”

“For your retirement I got you some chicks”

Yes, I really said that to and did that for a good friend. The Chicks in question were a gift from the Heiffer organization, that provides people living in poverty all over the world with animals that will help them grow out of poverty. You can give anything from bees to a buffalo. I have also given orphan elephants to sponsor for birthdays and as a wedding gift. I think they are great gifts in this day and age. Granted…

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Just like in Harry Potter

Just like in Harry Potter This makes me at the same time incredibly hopeful and incredibly sad. Last year I attended the Wallenberg lecture here in Ann Arbor where 2 youth movements were honored for their work against gun violence in the USA. (The Parkland survivors/ March for our life movement and B.R.A.V.E movement from Chicago). At one point they were asked: what would you like the adults to do to help you? and one of them answered ” they could bring us some…

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Trees trees everywhere!

Trees trees everywhere!

I was pondering what to post today…. and I am now a regular user of Ecosia, the search engine that uses its profits to plant trees. I am still unable to make it my home page (don’t ask, I do everything they tell me to do) but I remember now to type it in first and then use it. (full disclosure, it did not find my website, but it has so far found everything else..) I stumbled upon their history…

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update 02 change is hard and hope is sometimes hard too

update 02 change is hard and hope is sometimes hard too

I am still getting junk mail, despite the paper karma app…. They did say it would take a couple of weeks so if I see a decline I will report it. I have used a few cotton q-tips still but I have used the other ones too. I have tried to make Ecosia my default search engine, (every search helps to plant trees) but the instructions did not result in a different default page. So I type it in, when…

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another one bites the dust

another one bites the dust

another piece of plastic made abundant and unnecessary. Time and again I am struck by these small innovative companies, how they all have a similar frame of mind (and web site approach) Upbeat, and personal, a “we can do this” frame of mind, a website with information about the impact on the environment of product they want to replace and often some kind of visual feedback of the impact one has with the change of (consuming) behavior. I like it!…

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Sharing is Caring

Sharing is Caring

2 days ago my friend send me this article. This made me very happy, because that is exactly how I intend this website to work, sharing information and resources to make better choices. I few things that I picked up on while reading it: Nothing is really “new” we know this stuff already. The situation is dire, but not hopeless and there definitely is growing awareness and willingness to do something about it. There is an emphasis in this article…

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